Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Red Hot Mocha

"Red Hot Mocha" is one of my latest headband creations!
I'm LOVING how bright & beautiful the red is!
Looking forward to little girls modeling it in pictures!

Red....reminds your heart to smile :)

Pillow Creations

A sweet friend that I met this Spring has been someone that I am amazed by! She is truly a beautiful mother who has taken on being a Foster to Adopt parent. She has officially adopted 2 of her foster children & is in the process of adopting the other 2 she has as well. The baby girl that she was just blessed with is named "Olive"!  When she came across a few pillow covers that she saw online she knew she had to have some made to display in Olive's room! I was super excited to be the one she asked to create them for her & wanted to share the pictures of the final creations! 

Opening your heart with LOVE for children is a beautiful thing ~